Part 1: Everything I taste in wine I have Mom to thank

Judith Lewis Podcast Episode 1

Judith Lewis is about as passionate as you can get about wine and food.

Doesn’t smell right? Don’t eat it or drink it (thanks, Mom).

Digitize the world of wine? Judith’s passionate about it. Helping wineries handle climate change? – Judith’s working on it.

Looking to taste wines in Majorca, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Greece, and other European countries? – you might bump into her in those wineries.

Going to conferences on communication, SEO, wine, and travel? – Judith’s there.

Plus… she’s an international judge for wine AND chocolate. Get your taste buds ready, pop open your sense of humour, and let’s listen to Part 1 of my interview with Judith Lewis.

Get in touch with Judith Lewis:

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Discover one secret to earning a fortune in winemaking.
  • Find out the one thing that gets you fulfilled and keeps you going in life and with what you do.
  • Learn how to genuinely connect and build lasting relationships with people you share the same passion for.
  • Hear about the challenges in producing wine — from farming to growing the grapes and making it available to people, and managing expectations.
  • Learn how to have a really good sense and memory of taste and smell

Judith Lewis is a renowned international speaker, writer, trainer, blogger, and digital media consultant specialising in applying strategic understanding of digital technologies to help businesses innovate and optimise their effectiveness within the new, networked communications environment. She has over 25 years of experience, predating Google in her entry into the market, and now runs her own consultancy. Judith also blogs about chocolate, has contributed to a book on web development and writes about best practices for Search Engine Optimization..

Deploying her skills across a number of sectors, Judith learned about winemaking quite late and how now joined an organization to assist in the digitisation of the wine sector. Furthering the use of various emerging and established technologies within vineyards, Judith is also working with everything from blockchain to Raspberry Pi to digitise the wine sector, including utilising big data and algorithms.

Judith works with companies large and small and is passionate about enabling businesses to take control of their digital elements by understanding them better.

And best of all, Judith continues to grow her knowledge and experience in wine by following her nose (thanks, Mom!) and by tasting wine around the world.

Topics covered:

01:31 – Which exciting part of the world she’s in right now

01:54 – A passion-filled life that led her to many places, the love of her life, and the interesting world of wine and chocolates

06:48 – Integrating her tech expertise into her passion for taste, smell, and senses

08:56 – Talking about the challenges involving wine — farming grapes that produce wine

10:12 – Growing your network and building connections over a shared passion for wine

12:21 – Where genuine connections happen

15:15 – Making a huge difference in people’s lives by sharing something you’re passionate about

16:39 – What stood out for her in all the fantastic stories that brought out a different kind of experience

21:50 – The connection between passion and wine

Quotes from Judith Lewis:

“Our mission is to digitize the world of wine.”

“I’m passionate about taste and smell and sense.”

“Share your passion with people and then stay in touch about your shared passion.”

“Ask smart questions that show a desire to understand and know more about what you’re drinking or eating. “

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