Because You Asked…

Because You Asked

Because You Asked…

Have wine questions? This is the place to get them answered.

Questions and Answers

How much should I spend on a good bottle of wine?

You don’t have to break the bank to buy a good bottle of wine. While some wines come with high price tags, that doesn’t always equate to better quality. The price of wine is influenced by several factors. The region where the grapes are grown, such as Bordeaux or Napa Valley, can drive up the […]

What are the different types of Pinot?

Almost everyone is familiar with Pinot Noir – it’s a dark-skinned grape that’s difficult to work with produces a beautiful wine that can be very complex. But what are the different types of Pinot? You might be surprised just how many variations of Pinot there are – and they are all genetic variations of a […]

The “Just Right” Temperature for Wine: How to Chill

Remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Where the perfect item was “just right”? Imagine this as the Goldilocks of wine stories—finding that “just right” temperature for wine that makes that sip of wine dance on your taste buds. First, “room temperature” is not universal. Picture yourself in a cozy French chateau, sipping […]

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